Selected Excerpts from
By Henrik Kruger; Jerry Meldon, Translator
South End Press©1980: Box
68 Astor Station, Boston, MA 02123
ISBN 0-89608-0319-5
240pps - one edition -
out-of-print; Orginally published in Danish
Smukke Serge og Heroien; Bogan
heroin's victims in the United States and Europe,
And to
all veterans of the War in Vietnam,
those who returned strung out,
those who did not return at all...
To victims
of torture and repression in Latin America and elsewhere,
And to
those who owe the monkey on their back,
And the
scars on mind and body
agents of the CIA and DEA.
The story of Christian David, an international narcotics trafficker used by
the Intelligence services of at least three nations, is fascinating in itself.
It is even more important for what it tells us of a larger, less documented
history-‑the secret collaboration of government intelligence services and
parallel police throughout the world, and their use of criminals, particularly
from drug networks, for political counter-subversion. Above all it is an
important book for Americans to read, since the shadow of the CIA can be seen
behind Christian David's political intrigues in countries like France and
Uruguay. America's role in Christian David's strange career has never before,
to my knowledge, been revealed in this country. And Henrik Kruger is able to
expand the story into larger perspectives on the CIA, Watergate, and current
U.S. counterinsurgency tactics.
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'Mr. Big' Extradited to U.S. in Sept. 1972 |
Le Monde's charges, many details of which have since been corroborated, were passed over in silence by the U.S. press. This studied disinterest in the politics of narcotics (other than the propaganda, including flagrant lies, from official press releases) is a recurring, predictable phenomenon of our press; and it has visibly had a deleterious impact on U.S. politics. If the Washington Post and the New York Times, then supposed exposers of Watergate, had picked up on stories like the one in Le Monde, then the history of Watergate might have been altered.
For the history of Nixon's involvement in Watergate is intertwined with that of his personal involvement in drug enforcement. Nixon's public declaration in June 1971 of his war on heroin promptly led to his assemblage of White House Plumbers, Cubans, and even "hit squads" with the avowed purpose of combatting the international narcotics traffic. (Among those with a White House narcotics mission, or cover, were Krogh, Liddy, Hunt, Caulfield, Sturgis, and Bernard Barker.)[2]
Many writers have since suggested that Nixon's war on heroin was part of
his "grand design" to develop a new drug super-agency, under direct
White House control, into "the strong investigative arm for domestic
surveillance that President Nixon had long quested after."[3] Yet the
establishment press failed to look critically at Nixon's war on heroin. Instead
it blandly reported Nixon's decision in June 1971 to provide $100 million in
aid to end opium production in Turkey, a country which (according to CIA estimates)
produced only 3 to 8 percent of the illicit opium available throughout the
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7 July 1971 MEMORANDUM FOR CIA Heroin Coordinator |
Another, and even more cynical view of Nixon's action is to see it as a
direct attack on the French Corsican networks which relied almost exclusively
on Turkey as their source of supply, and which, according to Le Monde, were being deliberately forced
out of the international drug trade as the result of a "close Mafia‑police‑Narcotics
Bureau collaboration." Le Monde stated
explicitly that it was the U.S.‑Sicilian Mafia which closed down the sluice‑gates
of Turkish opium production. Was Nixon personally playing a role, as Henrik
Kruger suggests, in this seamy international drug war between rival networks?
Such a possibility seems less remote when we recall the rivalry which had grown
up in the 1960s between deGaulle's intelligence services and the CIA, and the
respective reliance of these services upon the rival Corsican and U.S.‑Italian
crime syndicates.
Le Monde had no
difficulty in spelling out the American side of the intelligence‑Mafia
connection, even though the CIA activities of Santo Trafficante, the alleged
heir to the Luciano network, were not known to it at the time:
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Luciano |
On the
French side, LeMonde was predictably
more reticent; but from other sources we learn that at least two members of the
competing Ricord network, Christian David and Michel Nicoli, were former
members of the Gaullist Service d'Action Civique (SAC), the parallel police or barbouzes who had been used to
assassinate members of the right wing Organisation de I'Armee Secrete (OAS), in
revolt against de Gaulle's accommodation with Algeria. Through SAC, David and
Nicoli had come into contact with SDECE operations as well.[7]
One of the major theses of Henrik Kruger's fascinating book is that
"the great heroin coup" ‑the "remarkable shift" from
Marseilles (Corsican) to Southeast Asian and Mexican (Mafia) heroin in the
United States, was a deliberate move to reconstruct and redirect the heroin
trade, rather than to eliminate it, and that Cuban exiles, Santo Trafficante,
the CIA, and the Nixon White House were all involved:
It was, needless to say, not a willful conspiracy of all the above. But we can assert with reasonable certainty that the CIA, Trafficante and other mafiosi, certain Southeast Asians, and some people in the White House must have been in the know. (Kruger, p. 122)
As Kruger tells the story, the motivations for the alleged heroin coup were
primarily political: to break the power of the old Gaullist SAC connection,
which by 1970 was as distasteful to de Gaulle's pro-American successor Pompidou
as it was to Nixon, and (on the American side) to replace it by an alternative
power base. In Kruger's analysis it was not so much a struggle between the
French and American intelligence services, SDECE and CIA, as it was a struggle
between old and new leaderships. The coming to power of Pompidou in France, and
of Nixon in America, had created unprecedented tensions and suspicions between
these two presidents and their old-line intelligence services: hence Nixon's
desire to use the war on heroin as a pretext for a new super-agency under White
House control. Hence also the successive agreements between Nixon, Pompidou,
and their cabinet officers to crack down on the old Corsican connection.
Once again, the U.S. press resistance to the subject matter of Kruger's
book suggests that there is something to his thesis. At least two books
published in America, both obviously based on U.S. government sources,
discussed the arrest of David at length, without mentioning either that he had
worked for SAC/SDECE or that he had confessed to involvement in the 1965
assassination of the Moroccan leftist Mehdi Ben Barka‑one of the major unsolved
French intelligence assassination scandals of the 1960s. The first U.S. book to
mention David's confession was Newsday's newspaper
series The Heroin Trail; the Newsday team also told how they
received a call from the U.S. Embassy in Paris, stating that earlier promises of French and American cooperation with our investigation would only be kept if we agreed to submit our manuscript to both governments in advance of publication for the correction of "erroneous information." We refused.[8]
Yet even
The Heroin Trail, which deserved its
Pulitzer prize, states only that David "confessed to participating in the
plot to murder Mehdi Ben Barka, a Moroccan leftist lured to France under false
pretenses by SDECE."[9]
[Writer and publishers sued for libel in 1980.]
Before Kruger's book one had had to go to books published in England or
France to learn that it was not de Gaulle who wanted Ben Barka killed-‑quite the
contrary-‑but some other government or governments and their intelligence
services, and that a leading suspect in the case was the American CIA.
As the
Oxford historian Phillip M. Williams wrote in 1969,
Here one point is absolutely clear. The Gaullist government not only had no interest in Ben Barka's death, but had every interest in his survival. Ben Barka was a left‑wing, anti‑American, third‑world nationalist leader with a lively admiration for General de Gaulle, and had been received at the Elysee some time before: a natural ally for Gaullist policy. Thus any official French connivance could have come only from some section of the State machine which was acting clean contrary to the wishes of the President.[10]
himself then suggests two possible hypotheses which are both compatible with
each other and close to Kruger's own explanation:
One, much favoured especially among Left Gaullists, was collaboration with the CIA to eliminate the organizer of the Havana Tricontinental Congress [i.e. Ben Barka]. Another was that SDECE were obliging either Moroccan Intelligence as such, or Oufkir [the Moroccan Intelligence Chief, whom Williams describes elsewhere as "too pro‑American for the Gaullists"] in a personal vendetta against Ben Barka, in return for services rendered in the past.... That there were some SDECE officers who were violently opposed to Gaullist policy towards the United States, especially in Intelligence matters, is clear from the now celebrated "revelations" of the former SDECE agent Pierre Thyraud de Vosjoli [who was ousted from SDECE because of his services for the CIA].[11]
In other words, an Oxford don a decade ago had already explored Kruger's
hypothesis that disloyal elements in de Gaulle's cabinet and intelligence
service, acting at the behest of the CIA, had Ben Barka killed. Yet Kruger's
book goes much further and is, to my knowledge, the first serious study of the
Ben Barka mystery to be published in this country. This alone would make it an
important challenge to the current stereotype of the CIA as a bunch of exotic
assassination bumblers, given to armchair fantasies about thallium foot
powders, exploding conch shells, or contaminated cigars.
Kruger's book is also the first in America, to my knowledge, to explore
further what Newsday called
"reports" that David, "an adventurer recruited into the French
secret service for terrorist activities. . . assassinated a number of African
officials, and, in Latin America, infiltrated Uruguay's Tupamaro guerrillas and
identified several for the police."[12] Once again, a well‑documented
French study, Dossier D comme Drogue, has
confirmed David's work for the French and Uruguayan secret service in
penetrating and turning over the Tupamaros, for which he was equipped with a
diplomatic passport.[13] But it is Kruger who supplies the details of the arms
transactions by which David was able to penetrate to the very heart of the
Tupamaro organization. And, once again, it is Kruger who points out that
David's services against the Tupamaros were part of an effort coordinated by
the notorious U.S. CIA police "advisor," Dan Mitrione — the same
Mitrione who according to New York Times reporter
A.J. Langguth arranged for the Uruguay‑an police to obtain superior electric
torture needles through the U.S. diplomatic pouch.[14]
David's successful penetration of the Tupamaros—and, before that, of the
Argentine FAL (Fuerzas Argentinas de Liberacion) —helps explain why so many U.S.
and French intelligence agents have been helped, by official provision of an
invaluable diplomatic passport, to become important in the lucrative
international arms and drug traffic. (The two traffics are frequently
interrelated, as LeMonde pointed out,
and can help pay for each other).[15] It was as a well-connected criminal
smuggler that David was able to persuade the FAL and Tupamaro leadership that
he could procure arms for them; and it was after providing small arms to the
Tupamaros that David became their trainer and adviser in weapons matters and
turned them in. As we shall see, this modus
operandi will be encountered frequently in Kruger's book.
When one considers that the bulk of the world's small arms traffic is
dominated by the world intelligence milieu, and that the largest single
wholesaler is, or was until recently, the CIA‑linked multinational Interarmco
(founded by former CIA agent Samuel Cummings),[16] one can see that it is
difficult to rely on weapons as a major revolutionary asset without becoming
dependent, at one's peril, upon one or another of the existing world powers.
Meanwhile, on the side of the police repressive apparatus, it is difficult
to remain in sustained contact with the enormously lucrative narcotics traffic
(particularly in countries where bribery is an accepted part of the political
culture) without becoming partly or wholly corrupted by it. Thus the New York Times hats reported how in 1974
one major narcotics trafficker obtained a diplomatic passport from the secretary
to the Bolivian president for a simple cocaine shipment; while charges against
another in Ecuador were dismissed at the order of Ecuador's minister of the
interior.[17] As we shall see, this latter phenomenon of an "intelligence
immunity" has become a recurring feature of justice inside the United
States, even in major cases ranging from narcotics to political murder.
Again, it is part of Kruger's thesis that the CIA, even after it had
decided to eliminate the Ricord network of which David formed part, was
unwilling to destroy the international drug connection which allowed its agents
to gather intelligence about insurrectionary movements through the tactic of
selling arms to them; and which at the same time financed the organization of
counter‑revolutionary death squads and "parallel police" such as the
Argentine AAA (Alianza Anticomunista Argentina).
Undoubtedly, in Latin America, the stories of drugs and of death squads,
such as that which arranged for the assassination of Orlando Letelier in
Washington, have been closely interwoven.
As support for his argument that the traffic once dominated by Ricord was
simply redirected to Cuban exiles in touch with the CIA and with Santo
Trafficante, Kruger points to the extraordinary story of Alberto Sicilia Falcon.
Somehow Sicilia, a twenty‑nine‑year‑old Cuban exile from Miami, was able to
emerge as the ringleader of the so‑called "Mexican connection" which
promptly filled the vacuum created by the destruction of the Ricord network in
1972. Lucien Sarti, a top Ricord lieutenant, was shot and killed by authorities
in Mexico on 27 April 1972, after being located there by U.S. agents.[18] The
new Sicilia network, according to DEA Chief Peter Bensinger, was operating by
May 1972, and had "revenues reliably established in the hundreds of
millions of dollars" by the time of Sicilia's own arrest in July 1975.[19]
Once again, it is virtually impossible to find any extensive treatment in
the U.S. press of the mysterious Alberto Sicilia Falcon, even though his arrest
led to no less than 104 indictments, 73 of them in the United States.[20] From
the noted German magazine Der Spiegel, however,
one learns that Sicilia told the Mexican authorities who arrested him that he
was a CIA agent, and had been trained at Fort Jackson (as had at least one of
Nixon's Watergate Cubans) for possible guerilla activity against Cuba.
Allegedly he had also worked in Chile against the socialist government of
Salvador Allende until he returned to the U.S. in early 1973. He also,
according to Mexican police, spoke of a special deal with the CIA; the U.S.
government had turned a blind eye to his heroin shipments, while his
organization supplied CIA weapons to terrorist groups in Central America,
thereby forcing the host governments to accept U.S. conditions for security
DEA Chief Bensinger was quite circumspect in his testimony about Alberto
Sicilia Falcon, merely calling him "a Cuban national" and alluding to
his possible "revolutionary activity in Central and South America."
From this it was easier to deduce that Sicilia was a Castro agent than the
reverse.[22] In fact, Sicilia was a Cuban exile who had come to Mexico from
Miami, where he had links to the Cuban exile community, and had personally
negotiated for manufacturing rights to the celebrated 9mm Parabellum machine
pistol, better known as the Ingram M‑10.[23]
Parabellum was a Miami‑based arms sales firm set up by soldier-of‑fortune
Gerry Patrick Hemming, and headed by Cuban exile Anselmo Alliegro IV, whose
father had been close to Batista.[24] Parabellum in turn was sales
representative for Hemming's friend Mitch WerBell III, a mysterious White
Russian, OSS‑China veteran, small arms manufacturer, and occasional U.S.
intelligence operative, with unexplained relations to the CIA, DEA, and the
major drugs‑for‑arms deal for which he was indicted but acquitted.[25] (The
government's case failed after the chief government witness, arms and dope
smuggler Kenneth Burnstine, was killed in the crash of his private plane.)[26]
As we shall see, another client interested in producing the Ingram M‑10 machine
pistol in Latin America, under license from WerBell, was the international
fugitive and Nixon campaign contributor, Robert Vesco.
Like other European journalists, Kruger notes that the same 9mm automatic
pistol, better known (after its inventor) as the Ingram M‑10, was found in
February 1977 among the effects of the Italian neo‑Fascist, Luigi Concutelli,
of Ordine Nuovo, who had used it in the July 1976 political murder of the
Italian centrist judge Vittoria Occorso.[27] Its presence among Concutelli's
effects was considered especially significant because the M‑10, manufactured by
WerBell's former firm the Military Armaments Corporation, was supposed to be
delivered only to intelligence services (such as Spain's D.G.S.), and every
sale of the M‑10 required a special permit from the Munitions Control Branch of
the U.S. State Department.
According to the Spanish Minister of the Interior, Concutelli's Ingram M‑10
had been modified in a clandestine arms factory in Madrid, discovered in a raid
by Madrid police on 22 February 1977.[28] Arrested in connection with that raid
were six Italian leaders of Ordine Nuovo and Mario Sanchez Covisa, the leader
of a Spanish terrorist group (the Guerrillas of Christ the King, or GCR) which
had just assassinated a number of left wing Spanish activists on the eve of
Spain's first general election after the death of Franco. According to a
detailed study by the French journalist Frederic Laurent, the two chief advisers
to Sanchez Covisa, the Italian Stefano Delle Chiaie and the Frenchman Yves
Guerin‑Serac, escaped arrest with the others. In turn, all but one of the rest were released three months later. The
reason for this leniency., according to Laurent, was that the GCR had served as
a parallel police for the Spanish intelligence service (DGS) in its murderous
repression of the Basque (ETA) separatist terrorist network.[29]
Clearly the Sanchez Covisa episode had international overtones, and a
number of newspapers, even including the New
York Times, mentioned speculations that the GCR might be functioning in
coordination with a newly created "Fascist International." Such
notions gained credence when Spanish police discovered among the GCR's assets
three gold ingots which had been stolen the preceding summer by a group of
French rightists and OAS veterans in a spectacular $10 million robbery of the
Societe Generale de Nice.[30] The leader of this well‑organized group was
Albert Spaggiari, veteran of an OAS assassination attempt against de Gaulle.
When Spaggiari was captured by the French police in October 1976, the British
press service Reuter noted reports from police sources that Spaggiari "had
links with an international organization with members in right‑wing circles in
Italy, Lebanon, Britain and elsewhere."[31]
Spaggiari's international milieu acquired an even more intriguing dimension
when it was revealed that in September 1976, after the robbery, Spaggiari had
flown to Miami and offered his services as a mercenary to the CIA, citing his
role in the Nice robbery as among his qualifications. Contrary to what he had
expected, the CIA chose to transmit this information to the FBI, who in turn
notified the French police through Interpol. It was this contact with the CIA
which thus led to Spaggiari's arrest one month later.
After thirty‑seven hours of noncooperation, Spaggiari suddenly admitted his
role in the Nice robbery. According to LeMonde,
this was part of a negotiated deal with the French police: Spaggiari would
plead guilty to the $10 million dollar robbery, and thereby escape indictment
on a still more serious charge of international arms trafficking. Spaggiari
gained acceptance of this proposal after citing "the name of an important
personage in the Ministry of the Interior, sometime participant in the cabinet
of [French Interior Minister] Michel Poniatowski, who, for various reasons, was
aware of the traffics in which he [i.e. Spaggiari] was involved."[32]
Five months later, in March 1977, Spaggiari escaped by jumping through the
second‑story window of the Nice Palais de Justice, landing on the roof of a
waiting truck. Meanwhile the French weekly, L'Express,
revealed that Spaggiari had been in contact in 1976 with a gang in Rome,
"the Marseilles clan," who in turn had been close to Concutelli, and
had been indicted by the latter's victim, Judge Occorsio.[33]
Henrik Kruger points out, CIA‑trained Cubans and their new patrons from the
intelligence service and parallel police of the military police‑states of Chile
and Argentina, were also directly in touch with the so‑called "Fascist
International" milieu of Concutelli's Ordine Nuovo, Sanchez Covisa's GCR
and Spaggiari's connection. As he points out (Kruger p. 204), an Argentine,
Jorge Cesarsky, and a Cuban, Carlos Perez, were arrested in January 1977, in
connection with one of the murders organized by Sanchez Covisa's GCR.[34]
Carlos Perez is of particular interest to U.S. readers, because he was the
Madrid representative of the Movimiento Nacionalista Cubana (MNC), an
ideologically Fascist Cuban exile group, two of whose leaders (Ignacio and
Guillermo Novo Sampol) have recently been convicted in connection with the
assassination in Washington, in September 1976, of former Chilean foreign
minister Orlando Letelier and Ronni Moffitt.
As has now been confirmed in part by a U.S. court, the assassination of
Letelier by MNC members and Chilean intelligence agent Michael Townley was one
of a series of "crimes in which Cuban exile terrorists and Chilean
officials have collaborated since 1973."[35] Senior members of the Chilean
junta intelligence service (DINA) initiated the Letelier murder, while junta
leader Augusto Pinochet himself, according to a U.S. government official, was
personally responsible.[36] One of these shootings, that of former Chilean
Christian Democratic leader Bernardo Leighton and his wife (who was left
paralyzed for life) took place in Rome in October 1975. Zero, a Cuban exile
terrorist group allied to the MNC, took credit for the shooting in a well‑informed
communique. American sources have claimed that the attack was arranged through
either Michael Townley or his wife Mariana Callejas, working for two Chileans
who had collaborated earlier on the murder of Chilean General Rene
Schneider.[37] European journalists have added that the terrorists in Rome were
connected to a former mercenary group, once based in Lisbon, known by its cover
name of Aginter‑Press, and more particularly to Aginter's Italian
"correspondent" Stefano Delle Chiaie.[38] Both Aginter‑Press and the
Townleys had collaborated in the 1973 Chilean coup group Patria y Libertad (a
group indirectly subsidized by the CIA), while Delle Chiaie and his friend, the
Italian Fascist Prince Valerio Borghese, had visited the Chilean junta in
Delle Chiaie has already come to our attention as the Italian attached as
senior adviser to the GCR in Spain, along with Yves Guerin‑Serac, the former
leader of Aginter‑Press and, like most Aginter members, a veteran of the OAS.
We should like to recall that Delle Chiaie and Guerin‑Serac escaped because of
their relationship to the Spanish, DGS arrest for the same murder in Madrid
which led to the temporary arrest of Cuban MNC representative Carlos Perez. In
other words the Letelier killing, horrible in itself, was only one incident in
a larger web of international conspiracy.
The Latin American aspect of this larger story has already been told in the
United States: the creation of an international Cuban exile terrorist network
at the service of dictatorships such as Cuba, Brazil, and Nicaragua (under the
Somozas), in exchange for payments in arms and future support in actions
against Fidel Castro. Thus the Letelier killing has been traced back to the
creation of a Cuban exile umbrella organization, CORU (Coordinacion de
Organisaciones Revolucionarias Unidas), in the Bonao mountains of the Dominican
Republic, in June 1976, under the leadership of Cuban exile terrorist Orlando
Bosch, who had visited Chile in December 1974 with Guillermo Novo, and had spent
a year there at junta expense.[40]
Bosch himself spoke to New Times reporter
Blake Fleetwood about these activities. While declining to talk about the
Letelier killing which was then under investigation, he cheerfully admitted
setting up the murder of two Cuban diplomats in Argentina, in conjunction with
the Argentine right wing terrorist AAA (to which Jorge Cesarsky, arrested in
Spain, belonged).[41] Government sources told Saul Landau of the Transnational
Institute in Washington that the Bonao meeting, attended by a U.S. Government
informant, broke down into workshops for the planning of specific crimes,
including the murder of Letelier and the October 1976 bombing of a Cuban
airliner, in which seventy‑three people were killed.[42] Bosch returned from the
Bonao meeting to Venezuela, at the invitation, he maintains, of the Venezuelan
intelligence service DISIP, who gave him a DISIP identification card.[43]
Given the nature, and the scope, of this network of governmentassisted
terror, of which the U.S. government was well‑informed, it is interesting to
recall the initial charade which the U.S. intelligence agencies put on for the
benefit of the U.S. press:
October 11, 1976, Newsweek magazine
reported that "the CIA has concluded that the Chilean secret police were
not involved in the death of Orlando Letelier." The CIA also reassured the
U.S. Department of Justice of this "fact." A Washington Star reporter
(8 October 1976) was told by FBI sources that "Letelier might just as well
have been killed by leftist extremists to create a martyr." David Binder
of the New York Times reported (12
October 1976) that "intelligence officials" were "pursuing the
possibility that Mr. Letelier had been assassinated by Chilean left wing
extremists as a means of disrupting U.S. relations with the military
junta"[44] .... But the biggest flood of distortion and rumors came from
former and retired FBI and CIA officials.... Members of such groups as the
Association of Former Intelligence Officers headed at that time by David Phillips
(Phillips, incidentally, headed the CIA's Latin American covert action
department at the time of the Sept. 11, 1973 coup in Chile) delivered documents
from Letelier's briefcase [to suggest, falsely] that Letelier was... not only a
Cuban agent, but... a Soviet agent as well.[45]
After persistent pressure from Letelier's U.S. associates and friendly
journalists, Letelier's principal assassin (Michael Townley) has received a 10
year sentence (he will be eligible for parole in 1981). For some reason the CIA
was withholding relevant information from the Justice Department at the same
time it publicly advocated its theory of DINA's innocence. Those who ordered
Townley's crime have not even been indicted. On the contrary, a related case
against another Cuban exile for receiving heavy‑caliber arms, reportedly in
"part payment for the Letelier‑Moffitt murders," was unsuccessful;
largely, it has been charged, because the CIA helped throw the case.[46] As I
write these words, a Congressional Committee has just released a bill which
responds in part to mounting pressures to "unleash" the CIA. Thus
Kruger's book is urgent and timely: it lifts the veil on the global networks of
these parafascist terrorists who can so frequently plot and murder with impunity,
thanks to their relationships and services to the intelligence agencies of the
so‑called "free world." In short, it tells a story which our own
media have systematically failed to tell.
I cannot promise that his account is flawless. He writes about intrigues
where disinformation is rife and the truth about an event is frequently
misunderstood even by its participants. But he has brought together a
prodigious amount of information, supported by shrewd analysis, particularly
with respect to the European scene which he knows best. As for the American
scene, it may be difficult on first reading to accept his hypothesis of a huge
"Miami conspiracy", now "reaching out with a vengeance to Latin
America" (Kruger p. 204). Other observers of the so‑called "Fascist
international" phenomenon (to use the term first given respectability by Le Monde), have seen it as more
polycentric, continuously divided by sectarianism, paranoia, and the ultimate
inadequacy of national socialism as an international ideology.[47] But, even if
nationalist ideologues continue to clash, there is unquestionably increasing
international unity among the professional terrorists. I prefer to call the
latter parafascists rather than Fascists because their primary concern is
neither ideology nor a mass movement, but rather to function covertly in the
service of, or parallel to, intelligence bureaucracies. Among parafascists
there is a tendency toward international cohesion, even if this is fluid, and
requires no one single capital or base. Where Kruger focuses on Miami, others
have focused on Madrid, Costa Rica or Washington.
Kruger's invaluable contribution is to have spelled out the pervasive role
of narcotics in supplying finances, organization, and sanctions to this
parafascist network, from the Argentine AAA to the World Anti‑Communist League
(WACL) founded by KMT intelligence personnel on Taiwan. Before World War II the
KMT regime in China was perhaps the best example of political manipulation of
the narcotics traffic, under the guise of an "opium suppression
campaign," to finance both a political and an intelligence apparatus
(under General Tai Li).[48] This practice spread after World War II to a number
of other WACL member countries and groups. Today there is cause to fear that
Nixon's superagency, the Drug Enforcement Administration, has, like other
narcotics enforcement agencies before it, come to use corrupt personnel who are
actually part of the traffic, as part of a covert war against revolution.
This is easiest to argue in the case of corrupt police forces overseas,
such as the DEA‑supported Thai Border Patrol police who, by a massacre of
unarmed Thai students, contributed to the overthrow of Thai democracy in
October 1976.[49] But, in addition, Harper's Washington editor Jim Hougan has
raised the possibility that a supersecret internal
DEA intelligence group called "Deacon 1," consisting of thirty
former CIA officers, all of them Cuban exiles, was "taken over by Cuban
exile extremists" who "may have felt a greater loyalty to the
politics of Orlando Bosch than to the goals of the DEA."[50] Hougan and
Kruger cite the example of Deacon 1 operative Carlos Hernandez Rumbaut, a
convicted narcotics trafficker who became second‑in‑command of the Costa Rican
Narcotics Division and allegedly also joined a local death squad. Hougan asks
whether the plans for Bosch's CORU and the DEA Deacon 1 operation in Costa Rica
may not together explain the convergence in Costa Rica in 1974‑76 of Robert
Vesco, Mitch WerBell, Santo Trafficante and Orlando Bosch — all of whose
activities "impinge on the same areas... exile politics, smuggling, and
the CIA. "[51] In support of this disturbing question, one can note that
Bosch was given no less than three passports by Costa Rica in August 1976,
right after the Bonao CORU meeting; and also that ten months later Bosch's
daughter and son‑in‑law were both arrested on charges of smuggling cocaine.[52]
The U.S. government's narcotics Mafia connection goes back, as is well
known, to World War II. Two controversial joint operations between OSS (Office
of Strategic Services) and ONI (U.S. naval intelligence) established contacts
(via Lucky Luciano) with the Sicilian Mafia;[53] and (via Tai Li) with the dope‑dealing
Green Gang of Tu Yueh‑Sheng in Shanghai.[54] Both connections were extended
into the post‑war period as the Luciano and KMT networks slowly resumed their
pre‑war contacts. In Washington, in 1947, State Department official Walter
Dowling noted with concern the efforts of an ex‑OSS officer to reactivate the
wartime OSS‑mafia connection. Future CIA officer James Angleton (then in an
interim agency, SSU) appears to have shared Dowling's repugnance; but one of
the principal ex‑OSS agents concerned, Max Corvo, now enjoyed influential
private backing as a consultant to Italian‑American industries in SiCily.[55]
The deportation of Lucky Luciano to Sicily in 1946 was followed by that of
more than sixty other American mafiosi, some of whom, like Frank Coppola,
became not only key figures in the postwar Luciano‑Trafficante narcotics connection,
but also political bosses whose Mafia muscle ensured the election of Christian
Democrat M.P.s.[56] Coppola's name has been linked, together with that of
Interior Minister Mario Scelba, to a May Day 1947 massacre at Portella delle
Ginestre, in which eight people were killed by machinegun fire, and thirty‑three
were wounded. In all 498 Sicilians, mostly left wingers, were murdered in 1948
alone, a revealing footnote to former CIA operative Miles Copeland's benign
assurance that "had it not been for the Mafia the Communists would by now
be in control of Italy."[57]
Meanwhile, in the United States, KMT agents helped establish a powerful
China Lobby, and collaborated with friends in U.S. agencies to target, and in
some cases drive from government, old foes of the former U.S.‑KMT‑Tai Li
alliance including those inside the OSS. A scholarly book in 1960 noted that
"the narcotics business has been a factor in some activities and
permutations of the China Lobby," thus challenging the official Narcotics
Bureau myth that KMT dope in this country was "Communist
The Luciano and KMT networks had been in contact for U.S. dope distribution
in the 1930s. Although there is no evidence of substantial collaboration
between them in the 1950s, there are symptoms of increasing convergence, partly
through agents who dealt with both. There is the example of George White, an
FBN official and former OSS agent who testified to the Kefauver Committee that
he had been approached on behalf of Luciano in 1943 by an old China trafficker,
August del Grazio.[59] White worked closely with the CIA in the postwar years
and (under FBN cover) ran one of their LSD experiments in Project MK/ULTRA.[60]
In 1948 White was back in Europe, intending to check up personally on Luciano
and his narcotics associate Nick Gentile, another former U.S. gangster who
(like Vito Genovese) had worked for the Allied Military Government in
Sicily.[61] Soon afterwards Mafia traffickers in the United States began to be
arrested, but not men like Luciano, Gentile, or Coppola.
By the time of White's visit to Marseilles, the CIA and AFL organizer
Irving Brown were already subsidizing the use of Corsican and Italian gangsters
to oust Communist unions from the Marseilles port. Brown's CIA case officer,
Paul Sakwa, has confirmed that by the time CIA subsidies were terminated in
1953, Brown's chief contact with the Marseilles underworld, Pierre Ferri‑Pisani,
no longer needed U.S. support, because of the profits his newly‑gained control
of the port supplied from the heroin traffic.[62] Under the oversight of Ferri‑Pisani
and the Guerini gang, Corsican traffickers worked with the Luciano network and
in the 1950s were its chief source of refined heroin. This alone might help
explain the apparent immunity of Luciano's network, to which Le Monde alluded, along with that of its
Corsican suppliers, about which Le Monde was
Although White worked on the Luciano and Corsican cases, his FBN reputation
had been made in 1937 by smashing a major distribution network headed by the
pro‑KMT Chinese tong (gang) in San Francisco, the Hip Sings.[63] But by 1951
the CIA was closely allied with KMT drug operations in Burma and Yunnan,
through a Miamibased proprietary, Sea Supply, Inc., organized by OSS veteran
Paul Helliwell.[64] In 1959 the FBN and White again arrested a new generation
of Hip Sing officials, but only after the ringleader (Chung Wing Fong, a former
Hip Sing president and official of the San Francisco Chinese Anti‑Communist
League, a KMT front) had yielded his passport to the U.S. consul in Hong Kong
and then travelled as ordered to Taiwan.[65] In this way Fong became no more
than an unindicted conspirator and the KMT disappeared from view; White,
meanwhile, turned around and told the U.S. press the heroin came from Communist
China ("most of it from a vast poppy field near Chungking").[66] In
China, if not in Italy, White's concern about dope seems to have centered on
networks within U.S. borders, not on the international suppliers.
In 1953‑54 the CIA drew on old China hands with exposure to KMT traffic
(Chennault, Willauer, William Pawley, Howard Hunt) to set up the overthrow of
the Arbenz government in Guatemala, an operation which at least contemplated
the use of "Puerto Rican and Cuban gangsters."[67] As part of this
operation, we see CIA officer Howard Hunt, a veteran with his friend Lucien
Conein and Conein's friend WerBell of OSS operations in China under Helliwell,
helping in 1954 to set up what would eventually become the Latin American
branch of the KMT‑backed World Anti‑Communist League. (Four years later the
chairman of this group was the Guatemalan attorney of New Orleans Mafia leader
Carlos Marcello.[68]) Nevertheless, in the late 1950s it seemed unlikely that
the heroin connection, outside of countries directly involved, like Laos, would
either have a major impact on U.S. policy or become a significant alternative
to it. With the decline of cold war paranoia, events seemed to be moving
towards normalization.
All this changed with the 1960s, when the CIA reassembled for the Bay of
Pigs the old Guatemala team (including Hunt, Willauer, and Pawley, who oversaw
Cuban recruitment). With the failure of the Bay of Pigs Cuba became to America
what Algeria had been to France. The explosive political controversy meant that
thousands of Cuban exiles, many of them with backgrounds in the Havana milieu,
were trained by the U.S. as guerrillas and/or terrorists, then left in
political limbo. Many of them soon turned to smuggling to augment their
finances, and in some cases supplant their original political objectives. At
least one CIA project growing out of Operation 40 (the control, element in the
Bay of Pigs invasion force), had to be terminated, when the drug activities of
its members became too embarrassing.[69] In 1973 Newsday reported that
"at least eight percent of the 1500‑man [Bay of Pigs] invasion force has
subsequently been investigated or arrested for drug‑dealing."[70]
By this time many Bay of Pigs veterans were working for either Vesco or
Trafficante.[71] Both the lucrative drug traffic and its anti-Communist
politics began increasingly to get out of U.S. control. This was particularly
true when, after the death of President Kennedy, the U.S. lent a hand to
military coups in Brazil, the Dominican Republic, and Greece, nations which in
turn became bases for further right wing activities in other countries.
America's lack of enthusiasm for the Fascist clients it had helped to
procreate, only had the effect of encouraging them to plot more energetically
with each other, and to lobby lavishly for more right wing policies in
Washington. It was in this period that mercenary terrorism, illicit arms
traffic, and drug traffic, consolidated into one increasingly global milieu.
The longdelayed founding of the World Anti‑Communist League in Taiwan in 1967
may be a less significant symptom of this trend than the Greek coup of the same
year, after which the KYP (the Greek CIA) became an active fomenter of
parafascist terror tactics in the rest of Europe.[72]
The official termination of the CIA MONGOOSE project against Cuba in the
same year left a colossal disposal problem: what to do with the estimated 7000
trained Cubans? Here America seems to have followed the example set by de
Gaulle. Some of these Cuban exiles were absorbed into other CIA and Pentagon
operations, some went to work as did David for intelligence services in Latin
America, some were retained by the CIA to report on their former colleagues and
even to eliminate the more troublesome of them. But each of these solutions ran
the risk of giving more power to the very elements whom the CIA wished to
disperse. This was the situation faced by Richard Nixon on his election.
Several studies of Richard Nixon have focused on his contacts since 1946
with elements from organized crime, mostly through his early political adviser
Murray Chotiner, and his close friend and business associate Bebe Rebozo.
Kirkpatrick Sale has suggested that "It is possible that Richard Nixon was
one more of the large number of politicians in this country who have been
bought or cajoled into the service of the ends of organized crime."[73]
Yet this dark hypothesis is, I think, as oversimplified as its opposite.
Like every one of his predecessors since at least World War II, Nixon, to
become elected, had made accommodations to all of the prominent political
forces in the coalition he represented, including the inevitable connection to
organized crime. It may well be that in his early career these connections were
more prominent than in the case of Lyndon Johnson, who started as FDR's
protege, or John F. Kennedy, who was born wealthy (and could leave dirty
business connections to his father). But it was also apparent, even before he
was elected in 1968, that Nixon sought to pursue a foreign policy that would be
independent of the early KMT, and other money which had first helped him to
become a national political figure.
Faced with the growing and closely related problems of right wing terrorism
and of the international narcotics traffic, Nixon's approach seems to have been
that of a self‑perceived political realist: to gain control of, redirect, and
manipulate the problem forces, rather than to somehow make them magically
disappear. It is unlikely that these objectives were unrelated to his foreign policy
efforts to establish links to mainland China, for this policy challenged the
powerful China lobby which had supported him in the past. It may be no
coincidence that the proclamation of the war on drugs, Kissinger's secret trip
to Peking, and the establishment in the White House of what the president
called "a non‑legal team" (the Plumbers), including Hunt and Conein,
all took place within a month of each other in mid‑1971.
Thus in Miami Nixon appointed an energetic U.S. attorney, Robert Rust, who
in June 1970 rounded up ex‑CIA Cubans like Juan Restoy in Operation Eagle: this
unusual zeal, according to Hank Messick, made Rust an exception to the South
Florida "don't‑rock‑the‑boat" tradition.[74] But Nixon's appointments
to the Federal Court in the Miami area (one of whom was close to Paul Helliwell
and had served as director of a bank accused of laundering money for Meyer
Lansky) were not so gung‑ho; and eventually most of Rust's indictments in
Operation Eagle were overturned in court. Meanwhile the "non‑legal
team" at the White House, thanks to Howard Hunt, began to recruit men like
Frank Sturgis, whose FBI file linked him to possible "organized crime
activities," and Felipe de Diego, a colleague of Restoy in the CIA's
Operation 40 project which had to be closed down because of its narcotics
Nixon, following de Gaulle's example, seems to have taken steps to restore
control by the White House over a milieu which the U.S. government itself had
helped to create. Like the French, he seems to have turned to elements of the
milieu to work against it; but he seems to have had worse luck in those whom he
picked. In his memoirs Nixon tells how, less than two weeks after the Watergate
break‑in Haldeman said that the whole thing was so ludicrous that Dean had not
discounted the possibility that we were dealing with a double agent who
purposely blew the operation. Otherwise it was just too
hard to
years of journalistic books on Watergate, most of which barely mention the
narcotics responsibilities of the so‑called Plumbers, have not come up with any
better explanation.
J. Epstein's book on Nixon's drug policies, which ipso facto is a book about
Watergate, analyzes this shortcoming of the journalists:
White House timetable for consolidating its power over the investigative
agencies of the government was rudely interrupted on June 17, 1972, when
Washington, D.C., police arrested five men in the national headquarters of the
Democratic Party in the Watergate apartment and office complex.... With Nixon's
impending reelection threatening the very independence of the power base of the
investigative agencies, there were strong forces within the executive branch of
the government which would not only refuse to help cover up the embarrassing
connection but would actively work to disclose it.... Richard Helms... had been
told that Nixon planned to replace him immediately after the election, and he
feared, as he told me subsequently, that Nixon also planned "to destroy
[his] agency.".. . . The "battle of the leaks," as Colson called
it... began to sink the Nixon Administration. . .
Consider, for example, the problem of Woodward and Bernstein, of the
Washington Post. Woodward was receiving information from Robert Foster Bennett,
of Robert R. Mullen and Company, that focused the blame for Watergate on
Charles Colson. If he had assumed that Bennett was providing him with this
information for anything more than a disinterested purpose, he would have had
to ask whom Bennett worked for, what the true business of Mullen and Company
was, and why Bennett wanted him to steer his investigation away from the CIA
and toward Charles Colson. He then would have found that Mullen and Company was
a CIA front organization and was aware that Bennett was giving information to
Woodward; and that the CIA was trying to divert attention from itself (and
succeeding, in the Washington Post) because a number of the conspirators
involved in the Watergate burglary had also been involved in operations that
the CIA had directly supported, such as the Plumbers. Moreover, the very fact
that a CIA front group was providing information that was undermining the Nixon
administration pointed to a conflict between Nixon and the CIA. Woodward and
Bernstein, however, could not have reported these implications and thus could
not have depicted the power struggle between the president and the CIA without
revealing one of their prime sources. For the same reason, the reporters who
received Nixon's tax returns from officials of the Internal Revenue Service
could not have revealed this as evidence of a struggle between disgruntled
members of the Treasury Department and the president without also revealing
that they were no more than messengers for insurgents struggling against the
president. By not revealing their sources, they received the Pulitzer Prize...
Epstein views Watergate as optimistically as Edmund Burke saw the Whig
Revolution of 1688 —as a restoration of decorum after tyrannous encroachment, a
revolution not so much made as prevented: "The revolt of the bureaucrats
thus succeeded in blocking Nixon's plan to gain control over the investigative
agencies of the government in his second term."[77] This optimism assumes
that Nixon himself was the problem, not the monster DEA agency which outlasted
him or the CIA Cubans it recruited. It is true that the Watergate exposures put
an end to Hunt's little known "recruitment of a secret army of Cuban
exiles [no fewer than 120, according to CBS], answerable only to the White House,
and equipped to assassinate foreign leaders."[78]
But some of the old China hands with network connections began moving to
the new DEA. As we have seen, Hunt secured a post for his old OSS‑Kunming
friend Lucien Conein in what eventually became DEA, and Conein in turn
recruited his own band of CIA Cubans in Deacon I, at least one of whom,
according to CIA reports, has already taken part in a death squad
Nor did Watergate have a good effect on narcotics enforcement. On the
contrary, the Watergate disclosures were followed by a marked drop‑off in high‑level
drug conspiracy arrests. Senate investigator Philip R. Manuel reported in 1975
that "from 1917 through early 1973 Federal narcotics enforcement had its
period of greatest success," but failed to hold its gains thereafter.[80]
The new DEA soon came under both Senate and Justice Department scrutiny for a
series of irregularities, including what one Senate staff report called
"unprofessional conduct" in failing to pursue a Vesco narcotics
The terrorism connection which would survive Nixon's departure from office
was not confined to Conein's Cuban squad in DEA. In 1975, when one Aginter‑Press
operative was overseeing the attempted murder of Bernardo and Anna Leighton in
Rome, another was consulting in Washington with right wing Senator Strom
Thurmond and with an official of President Ford's National Security Council.
The second Aginter operative was former OAS member Jean‑Denis Raingeard, and he
sought (but failed to obtain) U.S. support for a plan by which the Azores would
secede from Portugal; Aginter's Plan Usine for the secession involved a deal
whereby a U.S. firm, with links to a New York Mafia family, would obtain rights
for a casino, a bank, and (as one might have predicted) two diplomatic
passports.[82] Although the Ford Administration did not ultimately buy the
illegal proposal (they were more worried by the Portuguese reaction) neither
did they discourage Raingeard's lobbying efforts among the Republican right
wing. The next year U. S. agencies helped cover up the murder of Letelier by
Aginter's Cuban allies in CORU, in a plot of which they may have had
Whatever one may think of the Carter administration, it does not seem to
have been as protective of Aginter, CORU, or their connections in the
international arms and drug traffic. There are, however, two separate reasons
why Henrik Kruger's expose of the international parafascist connection is a
timely one, and particularly important to U.S. readers. The first reason is
that a number of recent revelations, which I have explored elsewhere, link
those in the Aginter‑CORU connection to the assassination of President John F.
Kennedy. At least three Cubans prominent in the Letelier case have also been
revealed, by the recent publications of the House Select Committee on
Assassinations, to have been allied in a 1963 Cuban exile junta which, the
Committee reported, warranted a "thorough investigation" in the
Kennedy assassination case. Lee Harvey Oswald's activities in New Orleans
brought him into contact with an anti‑Castro group financially backed by this
junta, and to Americans with links to the future Aginter community and possibly
the OAS. And on 23 November 1963, Jean Rene Souetre, an OAS terrorist and
future Aginter operative, was, according to recently declassified CIA reports,
allegedly "expelled from the United States at Fort Worth or Dallas 18
hours after the assassination."[83]
More currently, there are press reports that Ronald Reagan, if elected
president of the United States, would appoint Richard V. Allen to succeed
Kissinger and Brzezinski as his special assistant for national security
affairs. Richard Allen (who had been Nixon's first choice for the Plumbers'
unit) is known to have represented Robert Vesco in Washington back in 1972, the
year in which Vesco flew from a meeting with Lansky's representative Dino
Cellini to Costa Rica, and initiated the contacts which later led to the
proposed deal to manufacture Ingram M‑10s in Costa Rica, between Vesco and Parabellum,
Alliegro, and WerBell. Allen is also said to have been one of the U.S. contacts
of the Aginter Plan Usine lobbyists who were proposing an economic free zone
for the Azores (and the U.S. Mafia) much like that which Vesco, at Allen's
suggestion, was proposing for Costa Rica.[84]
Richard Allen, to be sure, is no Vesco or Raingeard, but a professional
cold warrior who in 1975 helped organize the Committee on the Present Danger ‑a
coalition against detente, uniting such veterans of the CIA‑military‑financial
establishment as Paul Nitze, Gordon Gray, Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor, Arthur H.
Dean, and Vesco's attorney Edward Bennett Williams. Nevertheless, unlike any
previous national security adviser, but very much like some of the younger
intellectual members of CPD, Allen comes out of the circle of ideological right
wing think tanks which have advocated rollback rather than containment, which
have collaborated with the Chilean junta, and which have been in touch with
their European opposite numbers who in turn have had contact with Aginter
and/or the OAS.
Whether or not he has a future in the White House, Allen's past involvement
with both the Vesco milieu and the Wall Street establishment should remind U.S.
readers that there is much more to the former than Caribbean exoticism, and
much more to the latter than Council on Foreign Relations meetings and the
sedate journalism of the New York Times. As
long as the CORU planners of Letelier's assassination remain protected and
unindicted, we must accept that terrorism in this country still enjoys the
intelligence immunity which it did in the 1960s in Italy and France. With the
advantage of his European experience, Henrik Kruger has seen the full scope of
this international parafascism, more clearly than any U.S. journalist I know
of. If we in this country wish to do something about the problem he describes,
we will do well to begin by studying this book.
Peter Dale Scott Berkeley, June
1. Le Monde, 17‑18 June, 1973, pp. 11‑12.
2. Edward J. Epstein, Agency
of Fear: Opiates and Political Power in America (New York: G.P. Putnam's
Sons, 1977), p. 299.
3. Epstein, p. 252.
4. Epstein, p. 86.
5. Epstein, p. 86; Eliot Marshall, "Heroin: the
Source of Supply," New Republic, 24‑31
July, 1971, p. 24; cf. Peter Dale
Scott, The War Conspiracy (New York:
Bobbs Merrill, 1972), p. 212.
6. Le Monde, 17‑18 June, 1973, p. 11.
7. Newsday, The Heroin Trail (New York: New American
Library, 1974), p. 124.
8. Heroin Trail, p. 108.
9. Heroin Trail, p. 110.
10. Phillip M. Williams, Wars, Plots and Scandals in Post‑War France
(Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1970), p. 115.
11. Williams, pp. 118‑19.
12. Heroin
Trail, p. 155.
13. Alain Jaubert, Dossier
D... Comme Drogue (Paris: Alain Moreau, 1973),
pp. 302‑03, 352.
14. A.J. Langguth, Hidden Terrors (New York: Pantheon, 1978), p. 251.
15. Of the U.S. Treasure Department's list of 710 key illicit arms dealers, in 1977, 108 were drug smugglers, 24
percent of them Class I (U.S. Congress, Senate, Committee on Government
Operations, Illicit Traffic in Weapons
and Drugs Across the United States‑Mexican Border, Hearing, 95th Congress,
1st Session, 12 January 1977, p. 31; cited hereafter as
Bensinger Hearing).
16. George Thayer, The War
Business (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1969),
p. 43.
17. New
York Times, 21 April 1975, pp. 1, 26.
18. Evert Clark and Nicholas Horrock, Contrabandista (New York: Praeger, 1973), p. 215.
19. Bensinger Hearing, pp. 9, 11.
20. Bensinger Hearing, p. 16.
Spiegel, 9 May, 1977, pp. 136‑137, 148.
22. Bensinger Hearing, pp. 10,
14. Indeed, the Los Angeles Times, expanding
on Bensinger's description of Sicilia as a "Cuban national," noted
"reports that the subcommittee is trying to determine whether Cuba and the
Soviet Union are involved in smuggling firearms into Mexico and narcotics into
the United States" (13 January, 1977, 11, 6).
23. Bensinger Hearing, pp. 42‑44.
24. Interview of Gerry Patrick Hemming, Argosy (April 1976), p. 52; Jim
Hougan, Spooks: The Haunting of America —
The Private Use of Secret Agents (New York: William Morrow, 1978), p. 46. Anselmo Alliegro Senior
was also a member of the shadowy Ansan investment group in Miami, suspected by
a 1948 IRS report of being a front
for Luciano funds (Steve Weissman ed., Big
Brother and the Holding Company, Palo Alto, Ramparts Press, 1974, pp. 124, 259‑60).
25. Hougan, pp. 46, 15ss.; Hank
Messick, Of Grass and Snow: The Secret
Criminal Elite (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice‑Hall, 1979), pp. 81‑83.
26. Messick, p. 83.
27. Frederic Laurent, LOrchestre Noir (Paris: Stock, 1978), p. 366.
28. Laurent, pp. 362‑63.
29. Laurent, pp. 311, 363.
30. Laurent, p. 401; Wilfred
Burchett and Derek Roebuck, The Whores of
War: Mercenaries Today (Harmondsworth, Middlesex and New York: Penguin, 1977), p. 155.
31. Reuter, 31 October 1976, quoted in Burchett, p. 156.
32. Le
Monde, 18 May 1977, quoted in Laurent, pp. 398‑99.
LExpress, 21 February 1977; cf. Laurent, pp. 365‑66, 400.
34. New
York Times, I February 1977, p. 8.
35. Saul Landau, They Educated the Crows: An Institute Report
on the Letelier‑Moffitt Murders (Washington: Transnational Institute,
1978), pp. 28‑29.
36. Landau, pp. 4‑13.
37. Donald Freed, with
Dr. Fred Simon Landis, Death in
Washington: the Murder of Orlando Letelier (Westport: Lawrence Hill and
Associates, 1980) 38. Laurent, pp. 137, 312. Since the writing of this preface,
a new book has identified Delle Chiaie as a key figure in the Leighton
shootings; and adds that his group had informal ties to Italy's intelligence
apparatus: John Dinges and Saul Landau, Assassination
on Embassy Row (New York: Pantheon, 1980), pp. 117n, 196.
39. U.S. Congress,
Senate, Select Committee to Study Government Operations with Respect to
Intelligence Activities, Intelligence
Activities: Senate Resolution 21, Hearings, 94th Congress, 1st Session,
Volume 7, p. 171; Laurent, p. 312.
40. New Times, 13 May, 1977, p. 48; Landau, p. 27. 41. New Times, p. 48.
42. Landau, p. 27.
43. New Times, p. 51.
44. Ironically, Ignacio
Novo's conviction for perjury derived from having suggested the same flagrant
falsehood ("Maybe the communists did it to create problems") to the
Washington Grand Jury.
45. Landau, p. 33
46. Dinges and Landau,
pp. 242, 379; William Schapp, "Throwing a Case: The
Trial of Armando Lopez
Estrada," Covert Action Information
Bulletin, (July
1978), pp. 8‑14.
47. Le Monde, I April, 1975; Laurent, pp. 291, 307.
48. Alfred McCoy, The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia (New
York: Harper and Row, 1972), pp. 380‑83; Jonathan Marshall, "Opium and the
Politics of Gangsterism in Nationalist China, 1927‑1945," Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars (July‑September
1976), pp. 19‑48.
49. Noam Chomsky and
Edward S. Herman, The Washington
Connection (Boston: South End Press, 1979), p. 227. The Thai Border Police
were supported in the 1950s by a Miami‑based CIA proprietary, Sea Supply Inc.,
headed by Paul Helliwell (cf. footnote 64 below.)
50. Hougan, pp. 198‑99.
51. Hougan, p. 197.
52. New Times, p. 51; Miami News,
27 July 1977. "Pinochet [chief of the Chilean junta] turned over to
the United States drug enforcement administration a planeload of cocaine
dealers rounded up after the coup. Their drug dealing could be blamed on
Allende's ousted government. Then Pinochet's right‑hand man, Contreras, could
set up his own men with DINA protection in the same cocaine factories and
shipping points. The anti‑Castro Cubans had a piece of the action. The enormous
profits went to supplement DINA's clandestine budget. The Cubans' share went
into individual pockets and to the anti‑Castro cause." (Dinges and Landau,
p. 264n.).
53. Rodney Campbell, The Luciano Project: The Secret Wartime
Collaboration of the Mafia and the U.S. Navy (New York: McGraw Hill, 1977),
p. 176.
54. Marshall, p. 42;
Richard Harris Smith, OSS: The Secret
History of America's First Central Intelligency Agency (Berkeley:
University of
California Press), p.
245; Milton Miles, A Different Kind of
War (New York: Doubleday, 1967), p. 508.
55. Roberto Faenza and Marco
Fini, Gli Americani in Italia (Milan:
Feltrinelli, 1976), pp. 13, 138; David C. Martin, Wilderness of Mirrors (New York: Harper and Row, 1980), p. 18.
56. Gaia Servadio, Mafioso: A History of the Mafia from Its
Origins to the Present Day (New York: Dell, 1976), pp. 72, 108; Le Monde, 17‑18 June 1973, P. 11.
57. Servadio, pp. 125‑28;
Miles Copeland, Beyond Cloak and Dagger:
Inside the CIA (New York: Pinnacle Books, 1975), p. 240. The bandit
Giuliano who was responsible for the 1947 May Day massacre is said to have
received "aid and support from former OSS members (who in the past had
furnished him with the arms of the division of [Polish General] Anders), and,
it appears. of OSS Chief William Donovan personally" (Faenza, p. 138,
citing a conversation with OSS veteran Earl Brennan).
58. Ross Y. Koen, The China Lobby in American Politics (New
York; Macmillan, 1960), p. ix; cf. Scott, War
Conspiracy, pp. 203‑04.
59. The effect of White's
testimony was to suggest that OSS had rejected the proposal, or, as Smith (a
CIA veteran) put it (p. 86), "OSS remained aloof, partly at the insistence
of Major George White." But the lawyers implicated by White denied his
charges altogether. "Three years afterward, when [New York State
Commissioner of Investigation] Herlands questioned White under oath about this
charge, White did not produce any kind of corroboration" (Campbell, p.
60. John Marks, The Search for the Manchurian Candidate: The
CIA and Mind Control (New York: Times Books, 1979), p. 89.
61. George White letter
to Harry Anslinger, 10 June 1948, George White papers, Foothill College, Los
Altos, Cal.; Servadio, p. 102. The AMGOT recruiter of Vito Genovese and other
mafia figures was Charles Poletti, described by Lucky Luciano as "one of
our good friends" (Servadio, p. 88). Poletti, a Democratic politician
under Roosevelt and law partner of his son, went on to be an overseer of
Harvard University."
62. Allan Francovich and
Howard Dratch, "On Company Business" (Filmed for television) KQED, 16
May 1980. Sakwa's statement lends credibility to a French report that in 1952
Brown attended a Bordeaux meeting with Antoine Guerini (the chief Corsican
mafia contact of Ferri‑Pisani), and Jo Cesari (the Marseilles chemist supplying
Luciano with heroin), before Brown moved on to contact mafia personnel in Italy
(Jaubert, p. 46n).
63. Will Oursler and L.D.
Smith, Narcotics: America's Peril (Garden
City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1952), p. 87.
64. Scott, p. 211; McCoy,
p. 130; As head of OSS S1 Branch in Kunming, China, Helliwell used to pay for
intelligence with opium (Wall Street
Journal, 18 April 1980). cf. footnote 49.
65. San Francisco Chronicle, 15 January 1959, pp. 1, 4. 66. New York Times, 15 January 1959, p. 4.
67. Susanne Jonas and
David Tobis (eds.) Guatemala (Berkeley:
NACLA, 1974), pp. 63, 67, 71.
68. Peter Dale Scott, Crime and Cover‑Up: The CIA, the Mafia, and
the Dallas‑Watergate Connection (Berkeley: Westworks, 1977), p. 16.
69. New York Times, 4
January 1975, p. 9.
70. Heroin Trail, p. 169.
71. Hougan, pp. 195‑196.
72. London Observer, 7
December 1969; Laurent, pp. 11, 217‑43.
73. Kirkpatrick Sale, Power Shift (New York: Random House,
1975), p. 205. 74. Messick, p. 179.
75. Richard Nixon, Memoirs (New York: Grosset and Dunlap,
1978), pp. 643‑44.
76. Epstein, pp. 235‑38, 309‑10.
77. Epstein, p. 241.
78. Jonathan Marshall,
"The White House Death Squad," Inquiry,
5 March, 1979, p. 15.
79. Hougan, p. 199; Washington Post, 13 June 1976, C5.
Nixon's own ambassador to Costa Rica, Viron Vaky, was aware of Carlos Hernandez
Rumbaut's activities and in 1973 ordered DEA to have no more to do with him.
But DEA disregarded Vaky's order.
80. U.S.‑Congress,
Senate, Committee on Government Operations, Federal
Drug Enforcement, Hearings, 94th Cong., 1st Session, pp. 10‑11, cf. pp. 26,
81. U.S. Congress,
Senate, Committee on Government Operations, Staff
Study of the Frank Peroff Case, 94th Congress, 1st Session, p. 198.
82. Fred Strasser and
Brian McTigue, "The Fall River Conspiracy," Boston (November 1978), pp. 124, 180, 182.
83. Peter Dale Scott,
Paul L. Hoch, Russell Statler, and Josiah Thompson, Beyond Conspiracy: The Hidden Dimensions of the John F. Kennedy
Assassination (Berkeley: Westworks, 1980), cc. 12‑14.
84. Hougan, pp. 205‑06;
U.S. Congress House Committee on Judiciary, Impeachment Hearings, Statement of
Information, (Washington: G.P.O., 1974), Book VII, p. 602. Michael Oliver, the
American adventurer behind the New Hebrides "free zone" secession
movement of June 1980, had collaborated in an earlier WerBell project for an
independent Abaco in the Bahamas, and is said to have inspired, with Allen,
Vesco's Costa Rica project. (Hougan, Spooks,
pp. 96‑98, 206‑07). According to the Wall
Street Journal (14 July 1980), Vesco himself had been interested in the
Azores in 1972‑3 and, through his attorney, Howard Cerny, hired Allen to
explore the financial prospects there. In the same period, Allen was a paid
consultant to both the Vesco organization and the Nixon White House. Moreover,
while still Nixon's deputy assistant for international economic affairs, Allen
flew across the Atlantic with Vesco, in Vesco's private plane.
pps. 1-26
It must have been prisoner 77,343's worst
dream come true when, on 1 October 1979, he was transferred to Hell's waiting
room, the federal penitentiary in Atlanta.
In Atlanta's nightmare of a maximum security
prison, Dominique Orsini, prisoner 77,343's friend and partner in the branch of
the French Mafia known as Grupo Frances, had been murdered in an isolation cell
on 12 April 1978. In the same prison six months earlier their heroin customer,
Vincent Papa, had been eliminated by contract killing.[1] And before that,
Orsini's lawyer, Gino Gallina, had been shot down in New York.[2]
Of nine murders committed within Atlanta's
walls over a seventeen‑month period in 1977‑78, at least four were contracts on
Mafia connected narcotics dealers, of whom Orsini and Papa were among the
elite.[3] Since then the killings have continued, despite federal investigation
of the obsolete seventy‑eight year old prison.[4]
To the "honorable men" who drive
up in black cars and flash their CIA, FBI, and DEA IDs, prisoner 77,343 remains
the subject of intense interrogation, and that is another reason for his
constant fear all these years. He knows prison walls won't stop his enemies or,
for that matter, his friends ‑in his business there's little difference. Thus
each time a guard sends in food he sniffs it, pokes at it, tastes it
cautiously. That is how it's been for seven years. Only now, in Atlanta, the
odds are worse than ever.
The prisoner who knows too much is Christian
David, age fifty, French, known among friends as "le Beau Serge," and
by more recent acquaintances in Latin America and the U.S. as
"Eduardo" and "JeanPierre." Among French Connection
notables he's a legend, a man whose mystique grows with each new tale of his
He's been a pimp, robber, hired assassin for
French intelligence, hatchet man in Algiers torture chambers, arms trader, spy,
narcotics trafficker and, true to form, lover of beautiful women. He's one of
the few alive who knows the truth about the Ben Barka affair that shook France
in 1965;[6] he knows details of the brutal power struggle within French intelligence
agency SDECE; of SDECE collaboration with the Corsican Mafia; and of secret CIA
operations in Latin America. Ample grounds for anyone's paranoia. But David is
cunning and tough, and that is why he's still alive.
He arrived in the U.S. on 17 November 1972
from Brazil, where he'd been arrested as the head of the huge narcotics
smuggling ring, the Brazilian Connection. International law actually gave
extradition priority to France, where he'd been sentenced to death in abstentia for murdering a police officer.
But the Americans were not about to let the drug kingpin slip through their
When fetched from his cell in Brazil, David
was desperate. Unsure of his destination, fearing it was France and a
guillotine, he smashed a light bulb and swallowed the fragments. Even so, as he
later claimed, "the Americans ... filled me with drugs and carried me off
to a military plane which flew me to the USA."[7]
Following a short hospital stay, he was
hauled to a Brooklyn courthouse where the judge set bail at $2.5 million.
Fearing the amount was not beyond the means of David's connections, authorities
rammed his case through the labyrinth of justice. Within two weeks of his
arrival, federal judge Jacob Mishler sentenced Beau Serge to twenty years in
prison for smuggling half a ton of heroin into the United States.
During his trial, proof was obtained of
David's activities on behalf of a very special branch of French intelligence
known as Service d'Action Civique (SAC). His tri‑colored SAC ID placed on
display, David explained: "I was taken from prison in 1961 to work for an
organization called SAC. It was arranged by someone with connections in the
highest political circles."[8]
Of his confinement in Brazil, he had this to
add: "I was tortured by the Brazilians for thirty days and fed nothing for
twenty‑six days. They stole all my money. Today I can't afford a lawyer, I
haven't a cent."[9] According to Armand, his compatriot and prison mate
for the trial, "When I saw David in the West Street jail, I could hardly
recognize him, so terribly had the Brazilians mauled him."[10]
This doesn't quite jibe with David's later
writing a Parisian friend of his desire to be transferred back to Brazil. But
the ways of Christian David are often inexplicable. And for some the thought of
torture is more bearable than that of death.
his arrival in the U.S., David's attitude often shifted, depending on where he
saw the greatest dangers. After his sentence was pronounced, he told FBI
detectives: "If I had been extradited to France instead of abducted from
Brazil, I would only have gotten three years. They would have forgotten about
Galibert" (the police lieutenant he'd murdered in Paris). But he later
wrote the writer Daniel Guerin: "If you get me a guarantee I won't be
extradited to France, I'll tell you the truth about the Ben Barka affair."
The French government's two official
attempts to have David extradited failed. And the French press has been
surprisingly indifferent. One year after David was jailed in the U.S. (at first
in the Marion, Illinois pen), France Soir
reported he had shaved his beard, lost weight, complained of heart trouble,
and sought admission to Springfield military hospital. On examination, however,
the prison doctor found him in excellent health.
year passed and the following item appeared: "David acts deranged ...
darts about his cell, knocks his head against the wall, gesticulates weirdly,
tears at his hair and screams he's being devoured by rats. . . "[11]
in the summer of 1975, the beautiful Simone Delamare, his mistress in Brazil,
came to Paris to plead David's cause with the press. In a letter to her dated
29 January 1975, he had written: "I'm doing all I can to avoid extradition
to France. All I ask is to be treated like any other inmate. I'm locked in a
windowless 2x2 meter cell, never see a ray of sunshine, have no idea of day or
night. I hardly sleep anymore because of the evil atmosphere around me. I'm
afraid they'll poison my food... The doctor examines me in two minutes. I speak
no English and he knows no French. So he can't understand I have heart
After a long silence it was finally reported
that on 6 December 1979 Ms. Delamare had visited Beau Serge in Atlanta. In a
photo she had taken of their reunion, he no longer seemed particularly
handsome. The loss of nearly all his hair had been compensated by a full beard.
He reportedly wore strong glasses and was in bad health. A cancer specialist
was said to visit him regularly.[13]
Despite appearances, few believe that David
is truly incapacitated. He will stop at nothing, the authorities suspect. After
all, he escaped from prison earlier in his career by playing mad. But would it
really be so strange if he were disturbed? Few can take the constant fear of a
sudden death, fed by memories of a life such as his.
Christian David fears both his friends from
the Mafia and SAC and his enemies from the SDECE and CIA. But some of them are
equally afraid of him. Why? This book does not provide the ultimate answer, but
it will lift a corner or two of the veil placed over his record.
1. New York Times, 6 May 1979.
2. France Soir, 13 April 1978.
3. Boston Globe, 10 August 1978; New York
Times, op. cit.
4. In a report issued 12 January
1980 the Senate Governmental Affairs
subcommittee concluded that the Atlanta prison "serves to stimulate
criminal activity rather than diminish it" and should be closed down no
later than 1984. The Marion, Illinois
pen, to which David was first sent, is regarded as the U.S.'s toughest prison
and known among inmates as "the end of the line." The successor to
Alcatraz, it was built to confine the most hardened and escapeminded prisoners,
100 of whom are housed in an ultrasecurity unit within the maximum security prison.
After the bloody February 1980 riot
in a New Mexico state prison, 21 inmates
there were transferred to Marion, where they joined 400 other convicts in a three‑week strike, beginning on St.
Patrick's Day 1980, mostly to protest
living conditions.
5. There was even a persistent rumor in 1979 that David had been smuggled back to France as an undercover
agent for the DEA, and had opened up a restaurant in Marseilles.
6. The "Ben Barka affair" refers to the mysterious
October 1965 kidnaping of the exiled
Moroccan political leader Mehdi Ben Barka in Paris. Ben Barka had led the
preparations for the Third World's first Tricontinental Congress in Cuba, which
took place in early 1966. His disappearance,
which involved more than one Western intelligence agency, is one of the great
scandals of the century; see chapter six.
7. France Soir, 9 July 1975.
8. The Newsday Staff. The
Heroin Rail (Souvenir Press, 1974).
9. L'Aurore, 20 November 1972.
10. R. Berdin: Code Name Richard (Dutton, 1974).
11. France Soir, 7 February 1974.
12. France Soir, 9 July 1975.
13. VSD (Vendredi‑Samedi‑Dimanche), 28 December 1979.
Continued here.
Stitches mentions the 1. Police, 2. T.S.A., 3. D.E.A., and 4. U.S.P.S. -- NOT the C.i.A.
Why is this important?
According to Mr. Sam "Momo" Giancana and Mr. Chuck Giancana in their book entitled: DOUBLE CROSS: THE EXPLOSIVE, INSIDE STORY OF THE MOBSTER WHO CONTROLLED AMERICA ( "Momo" was assassinated by a man who wore one black glove and one white glove.
After the terrorist bombings in Brussels last week Belgium released a photograph of two suspects each wearing only only one black glove. As I recall, not having the book by the Giancanas, Mr. Chuck Giancana wrote that the black glove of the assassin represented the "bad guys" - various criminals and the white glove represented the "good guys" - the C.i.A. As I recall, not having the book by the Giancanas, Mr. Chuck Giancana speculated that the message of the gloves was that the murder of his brother had been sanctioned by both the C.i.A. and the Commision.
The message of the black gloves in the photograph from the terrorist bombing last week in Belgium is either: 1. the bombings were sanctioned by both the C.i.A., the "good guys" and its associated illegal drugs/weapons trade - the "bad guys. The un-gloved bare hands of the two men in the photograph are lighter than the black glove and represent white gloves, the C.i.A. - the "good guys." Wearing both black gloves and white gloves would have been too suspicious. Or 2. the C.i.A. wants to fool people into believing that they, the C.i.A., the "good guys" did not sanction the murders in Brussels. Instead a rogue element of the C.i.A./ drug connection -- the "bad guys" - the Black Hand, to go back to Cosa Nostra history in the U.S., did it on their own.
Charles Nicoletti locations/ addresses :
Philip Nicoletti (bro)1448 60th ct Cicero il.
Charles Nicoletti 42,of 2745 Lexington Chicago,had been arrested ,investigated, and released(1955)crap game brick garage rear 936 Laflin 71 men were taken into custody.Newspaper12-12-55 Charles Nicoletti strong arm for Sam Giancana.
Nicoletti(1920)919 congress st chicago il.
(1940)2714 polk st chicago il.(grace/philip)
Date2-26-1929:737 Campbell ave Chicago -Nicoletti shot father drop out school8th grade joined the 42 gang .919 Campbell Ave Chicago IL
(1940)2450 W Lexington Chicago:2745 Lexington Chicago
1807 N Broadway Melrose Park IL(1970s)
1638 N 19th Avenue Melrose(1968) Park.IL
Nicoletti age 50 ,1638 N 19th ave Melrose Park IL.(newspaper 3-14-68).gambling raid 1000 Loomis street corner Taylor Street - businessDistrictChicago in which Nicoletti in rear of groceryowned by wife Agnes Nicoletti.Charles Nicoletti dob12-3-1916 dod:3-29-1977 burial 2 apr 1977 address 6038 N 19th ave Melrose park illinois.
James Files 2924 S 9th Ave Melrose Pk IL
James Files 122 N 22nd AVe Melrose Pk chicago tribune: 12-28-1967Grace Terzo beloved wife Joesph(sam) Terzo ,loving mother Philip(rose) Nicoletti and Charles (agnes) Nicoletti ,grandmother of Arline Nicoletti Micucci ...May 2, 1962, police questioned the two men(Nicoletti/Alderisio) in a car that they had customized into a so-called, "hit mobile"men were sit on floor of car hiding. Marriage registrationCharles Nicoletti and Agnes Raymond(Agastina Raimondi)24June1935LakeIndiana. Chauncey Holt claim He & charles Nicoletti drove from Grace Ranch to Dallas Tx,( Holt, Charles Nicoletti, and Joe Canty from Pete Licavoli's Grace Ranch in Arizona )Holt colleagagues (rogers/Harrelson)apprehended led thru Dealey Plaza photographs taken?(johnny Roselli also on the aircraft that Plumlee/Pearson flew into Dallas on 11/22/63)James Files claim he drove from chicago iltoMesquiteTx LHO came motel went with him to Dallas ,then 11-22-63 Files drove to Cabana Motor Hotel (open1963) pick up Johnny Roselli drove to pancake house which Roselli took envelope from Jack Ruby.(jack anderson said Roselli said he knew jack Ruby) Then Files drove Roselli back to Cabana Motor Hotel Charles Nicoletti came out drove to Dealey plaza.(doubleCross:Nicoletti tells Charles Giancana all about 11-22-63 and 8-5-62?)1934 Nicoletti was arrested on charges for conspiracy and burglary and was sent to trial. He received 1 year probation and a $5,000 fined.May 10, 1943, Nicoletti and Sansone were arrested by the Chicago police for peddling narcotics(drugs).Newspaper March 29,1977 K_llers 2Men chased Nicoletti to Golden Horns Restaurant which Nicoletti got trapped between cars in parking lot (1)man had gun shot nicoletti (2)man had b_mb threw under Nicoletti car? Another Report just said Nicoletti shot by _ car left on caught on fire ?chicago/LasVegasTony Spilotro buddy that betray him Cullotta& Cullotta that buddies of the MM that Cullotta setup for Tony which Alderisio,Nicoletti,Spilotro were involved?Frank Cullotta Said He liked Nicoletti he got along with him, That he was the last person to speak /See Charles Nicoletti march 29,1977 He came to Spankys his bar spent about 1hr talked then he left for meeting about 1hr later friend called that Nicoletti was whacked and that Nicoletti problem he let his power go to his head?
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